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Jerusalem botanical garden

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Among the stony Jerusalem lanes, hidden from sight, are a myriad of beautiful parks, and secluded green spaces - a well kept Jerusalem secret.
Botanical Garden in Givat Ram
This botanical garden is located beside the Givat Ram campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. It is a jewel of nature in the midst of the city. On display are flora and fauna from all over the world, from Australia and America to the jungles of Africa and the plains of Asia. Don't miss the herbs and aromatic plants, the lush aquatic vegetation that adorns the ponds, and of course the wonderful hot-house of tropical plants and flowers. The garden features a touring train which groups can arrange in advance to use; individuals can ride on it too, if they gather into large enough group. The train operates Sundays through Thursdays from 11 a.m. To 2 p.m.
Wohl Rose Garden
This pleasant garden is situated between the Supreme Court and the Knesset. The many varieties of rose paint the garden in bold colors nearly all year round, each with its own color and scent...

Rose Garden in Talbieh
A lovely garden was established on the edge of the neighborhood of Talbieh in the Brithish Mandate period. One entrance is from Pnsker Street. Old fig trees grow in the garden and it has a wide lawn and beds of roses.

Bloomfield Garden
This garden lies west of the Yemin Moshe quarter, separating it from King David Street. The lawns here are expansive and the view of the Old City is fabulous. Within the garden is a grave from Herodian dynasty.

Liberty Bell Park

This is one of the most famous parks in the city, situated beside King David Street and reaching the outskirts of the German Colony. The park, known officially as the Koret Liberty Bell Park, features a large variety of sculptures, sports areas, a long pergola, and many nooks for sitting. In the center is a replica of the American Liberty Bell.

Gozlan Garden

This garden, east of the King David Hotel, used to be called the bustan (fruit garden), because of its spice plants. It affords a wondeful view of the Old City

Independence Park Jerusalem

Jerusalem Central Park - Independence Park. Indulge yourself in the lush surroundings of Independence park.Between Aggron, King George and Hillel Streets. Jerusalem, Israel

Other Green Spaces in Jerusalem

Sanhedrin Park - This garden, located about 200 meters north of the Shmuel Hanavi-Bar Ilan intersection, features burial caves from the Second Temple period.
Daniel Auster Park - A small, manicured garden that is part of the municipal complex in Safra Square. It was created in a European style at the end of the Ottoman period.
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Jerusalem Botanical Garden Givat Ram
Jerusalem Botanical Garden Givat Ram
Wohl Rose Garden
Wohl Rose Garden Jerusalem
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