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The biggest Jerusalem content encyclopedia on the Internet. is a site that offers a full range of terms related to Jerusalem. Our Mission is to create the most comprehensive and definitive source of information available on Jerusalem anywhere. We are in the process of compiling the world's most comprehensive source of inter-related encyclopedic information sources covering every subject of Jerusalem to our visitors.
At the current rate of 20 thousands unique visitors per month, is the primary source for information about Jerusalem.
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JerusalemPedia by the Numbers
5 Thousands registered members from more than 220 countries and territories
2 Thousands photos
20 Thousands unique users per month*
85 Thousands page views per month*
*Google analytics. December 2009
Demographics: 80% North America, 30,000 members.
In addition to offering strategic campaign recommendations, we also offer extensive reporting capabilities through our "AD Butler" ad management software. Ad Butler is the most powerful advertising management software tool currently available. It efficiently tracks ad impressions and click-through rates, so you can monitor, compare, and assess the success rates of each campaign. Advertisers have open access to the statistics and can determine the progress of any particular campaign instantaneously.
Fixed Banners/Home Page
A. $600/month for a fixed 468x60 banner ad at the top right of the Home Page � above the fold
Fixed Banners/Home Page
A1. $800/month for a fixed 300x250 banner ad at the right of the Home Page � above the fold
Fixed Banners/Home Page
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Ad Rotation Rates
$200 for a guarantee of 50,000+ banner page-views.
$300 for a guarantee of 80,000+ banner page-views.
$500 for a guarantee of 100,000+ banner page-views.
$550 for a guarantee of 120,000+ banner page-views.
- No guarantee of length of ad campaign - just page-view guarantee.
- The average campaign can receive between 40,000-80,000 page-views per month.
- Until the guaranteed number of page-views is registered, the ad campaign will remain on the JerusalemPedia site.
120X600 - Home Page & all content pages
Below the fold
468x60 banner ad at the top right of all content pages - above the fold
Text Ads - Fixed
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Text Ads - All Pages Top above the fold $300/month
Text Ads - All Pages below the fold $200/month
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The biggest Jerusalem content encyclopedia on the Internet. is a site that offers a full range of terms related to Jerusalem.
Our Mission is to create the most comprehensive and definitive source of information available on Jerusalem anywhere. We are in the process of compiling the world's most comprehensive source of inter-related encyclopedic information sources covering every subject of Jerusalem to our visitors. |