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The Ramat Rachel hotel�s unique location - adjacent to a quiet residential neighborhood yet only a short distance from downtown - makes it an excellent base for day trips into Jerusalem.
Ramat Rachel Hotel Jerusalem, Israel contains a variety of rooms - VIP rooms, family suites, double rooms and rooms for the disabled. At the disposal of the hotel�s guests is a modern and spacious country club, a quality kosher restaurant, an auditorium serving international and local conferences, a covered banquet garden and a banquet hall, a souvenir store and money changing services, convention halls for lectures, prayer and any other independent activity. The hotel has an active synagogue.
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Ramat Rachel Hotel Address

Kibbutz Ramat Rachel, D.N Tzfon Yehuda 90900
Phone: 972-2-6702555
Fax: 972-2-6733155

Ramat Rachel Hotel In Jerusalem

Ramat Rachel Hotel In Jerusalem