Planning a trip to Jerusalem? Explore the best Jerusalem Attractions and Jerusalem Sightseeing tours for your upcoming trip.
The compact size of Israel means that almost anywhere (with the exception of Eilat) is accessible for a day trip from Jerusalem. The coastal cities of Tel Aviv, Akko and Haifa can easily be visited in a day, as can the area around the Sea of Galilee and even (in a long day) the Golan Heights. There is enough to see in most of these places to merit a longer visit but, in terms of historical and religious sites, none of them can match Jerusalem. The first stop for any visitor has to be the Old City, which contains the sacred sites that have caused such turmoil and unrest marking Jerusalem�s history and still felt today. The
Old City is divided into quarters (the Armenian, Christian, Jewish and Muslim) each with its unique identity and character.

When sightseeing or just exploring, visitors should be aware of the intense campaign of terrorism being waged against Israel. Popular crowded venues, such as busy street markets, restaurants and cafes, crowded buses, discos, have especially been targeted by suicide bombers. Security guards have now been posted at the doorways or entrances to most such locations and it is advisable to be wary of venues that have not put any security measures in place. To date, tourist sights have not been struck by the bombers, and Arab areas or Muslim sights are unlikely to be hit.
Art Garden at Israel Museum
Art garden designed by sculptor Isamo Noguchi, integrates the Jerusalem skyline with the fundamentals of Japanese Zen gardens. The garden exhibits the Billy Rose sculpture collection along with works by other Israeli and international sculptors. Guided tours available.
The Temple Institute
This is a model of the Holy Temple and reconstructed sacred vessels based on historical and archeological sources. The site tells the story of the Holy Temple throughout the ages.

St. John the Baptist Cave in Tsuba
Cave attributed to St. John the Baptist. A spacious pool was discovered in the cave, where water for agriculture was accumulated in the days of the First Temple, and which was used as a Mikve Tahara (ritual purification bath) in the days of the Second Temple. To visit the cave, you must join a guided tour departing from Kibbutz Tsuba.
Emmaus Nicopolis Monastery
Monks and nuns live in the monastery, offering prayers for understanding between Jews and Christians. There are impressive remnants of a crusader church in the complex, as well as mosaics. On Fridays, a Kabalat Shabbat (reception of the Jewish Sabbath) ceremony is held at the place. There are guided visits at the site.
Joe Alon Center

Center for studies of Israel and the region, specializing in Bedouin culture. Museum includes a wing on settlement of the Negev desert, wing on cave culture, and wing on Bedouin culture.
Mini Israel Park

Large park exhibiting miniature models of sites in Israel from the distant past until today at a 25:1 scale. Restaurant, cafe, cafeterias, souvenir store, banquet hall, game and activity centers.
Chagall Windows
Stained glass windows created by the Jewish painter Mark Chagall for the synagogue at the Hadassah Medical Center that describe sections of the Holy Scriptures and the part of each of the 12 Tribes in the life of the People of Israel.
David's Tomb
According to tradition, this building houses David's tomb, as well as the room of the Last Supper. It is built on part of the premises of the Byzantine Agia Tsiyon Church (Church of the Apostles, a Judeo-Christian synagogue). The building contains a Romanesque-style hall where, according to tradition, the Last Supper took place, a synagogue hall, and a crusader tombstone on top of which is a curtain indicating David's tomb.
The Roman Square at Damascus Gate (Sha-ar Sh'hem)

Square containing an exhibit of the history of Damascus Gate (Sha'ar Sh'hem,) an important city gate in the Roman period. Today, the Ottoman Gate stands here, under which are the remains of the Roman Gate were uncovered.
Shrine of the Book
The Shrine of the Book is in the Israel Museum campus and houses some of the Dead Sea Scrolls found in the Kumran Caves, documents from the Bar Kokhva Revolt, found in the Cave of Letters in Nakhal Khever and other items from the period of the Bar Kokhva Revolt.
Here is a list of Entertaining attractions and activities in Jerusalem, Israel
Collection of Jerusalem attractions at
Time Elevator Jerusalem
The Time Elevator Jerusalem is a journey through the rich 3,000 year history of Jerusalem. Multimedia experience relates the history of Jerusalem from King Solomon until the 20th century. Moving chairs and special effects make the experience fun for children. Star of �Fiddler on the Roof,� Chaim Topol plays the lead character who amid crashing ceilings, splashing water, and other special effects, leads us on an unforgettable journey.
The Jerusalem Bird Observatory
A site which comprises a range of natural habitats which attract thousands of birds and serves as a feeding station on their migration routes. The station combines research and a follow-up of migratory and local birds, along with instructional meetings with the researchers.
The Knesset
The House of Representatives of the State of Israel, comprising a plenary, conference rooms, works of art and a hall for State receptions. You can visit the plenary, and also join guided tours.
Mount Herzl Cemetery.
Mount Herzl. The State of Israel�s national cemetery was named after the state visionary, whose remains were moved to Mt. Herzl in 1949. Also buried here are all the state presidents, prime ministers and chairs of the Knesset, with exceptions such as Ben-Gurion, Begin, Yitzhak Ben-Zvi and Chaim Weizmann. In a separate part of Mt. Herzl is Jerusalem�s military cemetery, with many monuments nearby.

Via Dolorosa
Via Dolorosa. The �Way of Grief� is the path taken by Jesus from his place of judgment to the site of his crucifixion and burial. It is about a kilometer long and has 14 stations, each one marking an event related to the crucifixion. The first station is the yard of the Omaria school, identified as the place where the Roman commissioner sentenced Jesus to crucifixion. The last five stations, including the crucifixion and burial sites, ...
Latrun Monastery
Monastery of the Silent Monks at Latrun. The site where the monastery of the silent monks stands today served as a way station for pilgrims from Jaffa to Jerusalem in the 19th century. After being sold to the Order of Saint Benedict, the monastery known as the monastery of the silent monks was built in 1890, and until 1960 its articles included a vow to refrain from idle talk and to uphold silence at all times except during prayer. A la...
Wohl Archaeological Museum - The Herodian Quarter
Part of the residential quarter, preserved from Herodian times. The findings indicate that wealthy families lived here. Plaques around the museum provide detailed explanations and there is a model of one mansion.
Western Wall Tunnels
System of underground tunnels constituting a continuous chain of history from the times of the Hasmoneans until today. There are dynamic illustrative resources at the place, such as models and animation films.
Martef Ha-Sho'a
Museum with a hundred plates, each plate dedicated to a Jewish community that was destroyed in the Sho'a. The plates contain the names and stories of families that were murdered.
Ethiopian Church
A church built in the 19th century, with colorful carpets and paintings describing the Last Supper, tormented saints, King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, as well as African pictures, the main one being the black Baby Jesus. The monks and nuns gladly answer questions posed by visitors.
Rockefeller Archaeological Museum
Antiquities museum containing a rich collection of archaeological findings from excavations conducted throughout the Land of Israel during the British Mandate. The museum also holds temporary exhibitions.
The City of David Archeaological Garden
Visitors center and archaeological garden where some of the ancient remains of Jerusalem, from the fourth millennium BCE until the Byzantine period, were discovered. In the excavation area, which is open to visitors, the foundations of a terraced stone building from the Jebusite period (11th-12th centuries BCE), were discovered, preserved up to a height of 13 meters, as well as the remains of a residential quarter, that was destroyed wi...
The Israel Museum
The largest museum in Israel including an Art Wing, Shrine of the Book, Youth Wing, Archeology, Judaica and Jewish Ethnography. There is also an art garden, library, archive and auditorium.
Ammunition Hill
Memorial established on the Jordanian military post, with a permanent exhibition on the battle over Jerusalem during the Six-Day War, as well an audiovisual program, "The Battle over Jerusalem."
The Gate of Dormizion
Catholic church of the Benedictine Fathers, built between the years 1900-1910. According to Christian tradition, it is here that Miriam, the mother of Jesus, fell asleep before ascending to heaven.
Park of Olives
Park of Olives This is the home of the environmental sculpture entitled �The Olive Columns,� by Ran Morin. The sculpture consists of three columns with olive trees growing out of them.
Hutzut Hayotzer Artists Colony
Two years after the reunification of Jerusalem in 1967, a no-man�s land between the New and Old City of Jerusalem was transformed into an artist�s colony.
Sataf A site in the hills of Jerusalem with two springs that formed the basis of an irrigation system in ancient times. Nowadays, the site has been reconstructed to demonstrate early agriculture.
Islamic Art Museum
Museum displays Islamic art since the 7th century. Earthenware, glassware and decorative metals document the traditions of the various cultures under the influence of Islam.
Yad la-Shiryon
Memorial to armored corps in the British Mandate's Latrun police station. Museum, memorials, and databases and an amphitheater used for military and national ceremonies.
Hatzar Haishuv hayashan museuem
The Isaac Kaplan Old Yishuv Court Museum, located in a 500-year-old house in Jerusalem�s Jewish Quarter, offers a unique, authentic look at life in the Quarter from the Ottoman period through its conquest by the Jordanians in 1948.
St. John in the Desert Monastery
Picturesque Franciscan monastery located on a cliff overlooking Nakhal Sorek and the Ein Kerem valley. Christians here identify the desert mentioned in the description of John the Baptist, and hence its name. The monks produce and sell wine, honey and spiced vinegar.
Bloomfield Science Museum, Jerusalem
Interactive museum designed to bring the world of science and technology closer to children and adults through hands-on exhibits.
The Temple Institute
The Temple Institute This is a model of the Holy Temple and reconstructed sacred vessels based on historical and archeological sources. The site tells the story of the Holy Temple throughout the ages.
Museum of Italian Jewish Art
Museum displaying Judaica art, household items, documents and manuscripts from the Renaissance and Baroque periods. The museum includes a synagogue dating from the beginning of the 18th century.
The Walls Promenade
Promenade along the walls of the Old City, from which there is a view of large portions of the Old City and of western Jerusalem. The promenade starts at the Tower of David and ends at the Jewish Quarter or at the Kotel.
The Church of the Holy Sepulchre
According to Christian tradition, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher was built on the site of Jesus� crucifixion. He was also buried here, and this is the holiest and most important place to Catholic and Orthodox Christians.
Beit Jimal
There are two monasteries at the site, one for monks and one for nuns, with two churches, a painting exhibition, and a small model describing events from the Old and New Testaments.
Mount of Olives (Har Ha-Zeitim) Observation point
A wide space on the Mount of Olives, above the Jewish cemetery, from which there is a view of the new city of Jerusalem, the Old City, the Armon ha-Natziv ridge and the upper Kidron gorge.
Bible Lands Museum
Museum near the Israel Museum in Jerusalem exhibiting antiquities from various Middle Eastern cultures mentioned in the bible while demonstrating the interrelationship between the ancient cultures.
Tsidkiyahoo Cave
Large, well-lit cave in the wall of the Old City, which was a quarry in the days of the Second Temple. According to popular legend, King Tsidkiyahu fled from the Babylonians through this cave, from Jerusalem to the plains of Jericho.
The Western Wall
The holiest site for the Jewish people after the Temple Mount. Ha-Kotel (The Western Wall or Waling Wall as it used to be called) is a surviving section of the wall encompassing the Temple Mount at the end of the Second Temple period.
The Supreme Court
The Supreme Court was designed to be impressive, but not overbearing. The building has become a tourist site, and has five stately courtrooms where the daylight plays an important role, with views through the spacious windows
Yad Vashem
Situated on Jerusalem�s Mount of Remembrance, Yad Vashem�s 45-acre campus comprises indoor museums, outdoor monuments, memorials, gardens, sculptures and world-class research and education centers--all the necessary components for a meaningful and dynamic commemoration of the Holocaust and its victims.
Hebrew University Botanical garden on Mount scopus
The Mount Scopus Botanical Garden is an important ecological center housing plants that represent the various flora regions in Israel. The garden serves as a beautiful living exhibit of Israel�s vegetation and environment for research and study purposes, as well as a haven for plants that are rare or in danger of extinction.
Tel Azekah
Tel Azekah This is an archeological mound at the top of a high hill west of the Ela Valley, identified with ancient Azekah from the beginning of the Bronze Age.
YMCA Tower
A public building which is the center of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in Israel. A 46-meter high tower soars above the main building, from where there is a comprehensive view of Jerusalem and its surroundings.
The Cenaculum of the Last Supper
The Room of the Last Supper � The Coenaculum. According to Christian tradition, already established during Byzantine times, Jesus and his disciples had their Passover Seder at this site on Mt. Zion during the last week of Jesus� life.
Line 99 Around Jerusalem
Tourist bus starting at Central Bus Station and passing through 27 key attractions in the city. Day ticket allows visitors to get on and off at every stop. Audio system in various languages explains sights along the way.
The Biblical Zoo
The 250-dunam zoo houses 1,200 animals. The unique collection focuses on species mentioned in the Bible but now extinct in the region, as well as endangered species.
Benedictine Monastery
The Benedictine Monastery is one of the most beautiful crusader buildings to have survived in Israel. The remains of the crusader resurrection church were restored by the French government and handed over to the Benedictine Order in the 19th century.
Yad Avshalom
Avshalom�s Shrine. An ornate monument from the first century BCE, said to be the tomb of Avshalom, the rebellious son of King David.
Nabi Samuel (The Tomb of Samuel)
The tomb of the prophet Samuel is located in a site situated on a lofty mountain overlooking the region stretching from the sea up to the Gilad and Moav. There is also an ancient church at the site, with a magnificent mosque adjoining it.
Presidential Residence
Residence of the President of Israel. Guided tours are held, with explanations on the institution of the presidency and on the presidents.
Ne'ot Kdumim Park
Private landscape reserve to the north of the Ben Shemen forest, halfway between Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. A unique endeavor to re-create the physical setting of the Bible in all its depth and detail, with plants mentioned in the Bible and in the Mishna, and an exhibition of reconstructed ancient agricultural instruments. A variety of activities, shows and guided tours are held at the site.
The Windmill and Yemin Moshe
The Yemin Moshe neighborhood, named after the philanthropist Sir Moses Montefiore, is built on narrow stone lanes with rural houses. The old flour mill now houses an exhibition on the philanthropist's activity.
Derekh Burma
Burma Road. The story of the siege of Jerusalem and the forging of a road through to the city is one of the most gripping stories of the War of Independence.
Yelin House
The Sephardic Synagogues
A total of four restored synagogues, next to each other. In the past, the ceremony appointing the Sephardic chief rabbi used to take place at the main, most magnificent synagogue, named after Rabbi Yokhanan Ben Zakai.
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