From 1948-1962, Hadassah hospital operated in rented quarters, in what is now the Anglican International School on HaNevi'im Street in downtown Jerusalem. In 1961, a new medical complex was built in Ein Karem in southwest Jerusalem. The Hadassah Women's Zionist Organization of America again assisted with funding, and the somewhat out-of-the-way location was chosen in part because an appropriate site was difficult to obtain in the city-center, and Hadassah owned a large plot in Ein Kerem.[citation needed] Today the hospital accommodates 700 beds. It contains 130 departments and clinics in 22 buildings. The hospital complex also includes the Hebrew University of Jerusalem schools of medicine, dentistry, nursing, public health, and pharmacology, as well as many modern research laboratories.
The campus synagogue is famous for its stained glass windows depicting the twelve tribes of Israel, created and donated in 1960 by Marc Chagall.
Hadassah's director is Professor Yuval Weiss. Prominent physicians include Avraham Rivkind, founder and director of the hospital's trauma center, Ahmed Eid, head of the liver and kidney transplant unit, and Arie Eldad, head of the department of plastic surgery and burns unit.
In March 2007, Jewish American billionaire William Davidson donated $75 million dollars to the hospital.[4]
In April 2009, following an initiative of the Puah Institute, the hospital opened a fertility clinic for AIDS patients, the first such clinic in Israel. Prof. Shlomo Ma'ayan heads the clinic.
The Chagall Windows
The Chagall Windows at Hadassah Ein-Kerem Hospital will be closed to visitors between March 1 – May 20, 2010 due to construction works.
The light that emanates from the twelve stained glass windows bathes the Abbell Synagogue at the Hadassah University Medical Center in a special glow. The sun filters through the brilliant colors of the stained glass capturing their radiance. Even in the misty haze of a cloudy day, Chagall’s genius transforms time and space.
The synagogue’s Jerusalem stone floor and walls absorb this beauty and reflect it. Standing within the simple square that forms the pedestal for the windows, gazing up at the vivid imagery, the Jewish symbols, the floating figures of animals, fish and flowers, even the most casual viewer is overwhelmed by their power and presence.
Every pane is a microcosm of Chagall’s world, real and imaginary; of his love for his people, his deep sense of identification with Jewish history, his early life in the Russian shtetl.
“All the time I was working, I felt my mother and father looking over my shoulder; and behind them were Jews, millions of other vanished Jews -- of yesterday and a thousand years ago,” Chagall said.
The Bible was his primary inspiration, particularly Jacob’s blessings on his twelve sons and Moses’ blessings on the twelve tribes. Each window is dominated by a specific color and contains a quotation from the individual blessings.
Chagall and his assistant, Charles Marq, worked on the project for two years, during which time Marq developed a special process for applying color to the glass. This allowed Chagall to use as many as three colors on a single pane, rather than being confined to the traditional technique of separating each colored pane by a lead strip.
The synagogue was dedicated in the presence of the artist on February 6, 1962 as part of Hadassah’s Golden Anniversary Celebration.
Hadassah Medical Center Jerusalem Hospital Marc Chagall Windows
Hadassah Medical Center Mount Scopus campus
THE HADASSAH-UNIVERSITY MEDICAL CENTER - From Hadassah’s first hospital on Jerusalem’s Street of the Prophets – a gift of the Rothschild family in 1918 – the Hadassah University Medical Center, now includes two university hospitals in Jerusalem – on Mt. Scopus and in Ein Kerem.
Hadassah Medical Center Ein Kerem Campus
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Hadassah Medical Center Jerusalem
In 2005, the Center was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize due to its equality in treatment, its ethnic and religious diversity, and its efforts to build bridges to peace
Hadassah Hospital Jerusalem Ein Kerem
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Art at Hadassah
“This is my modest gift to the Jewish people who have always dreamt of biblical love, friendship and of peace among all peoples. This is my gift to that people which lived here thousands of years ago among the other Semitic people.”
Marc Chagall
February 6, 1962
The cornerstone for the Hadassah hospital on Mount Scopus was laid in 1934. After five years of construction, the complex, designed by architect Erich Mendelsohn, opened its doors in 1939. In March 1947, the leader of the Arab Forces in Jerusalem, Abd al-Qadir al-Husayni, threatened to blow up the hospital. He did not do so, but attacks were carried out on traffic to and from the hospital. On April 13, 1948, an armoured convoy of doctors, nurses, medical students, and other staff made its way to the hospital. The group was ambushed, and 78 people were killed in what became known as the Hadassah medical convoy massacre. Under the 1949 armistice agreement with Jordan, Mount Scopus was declared a demilitarized enclave and operation of the hospital became impossible. The staff moved to temporary quarters in Jerusalem and eventually, a new campus was built in Ein Kerem. After the unification of Jerusalem in the Six-Day War, Hadassah Mount Scopus underwent extensive renovations, reopening in 1975. With over 300 beds and 30 departments and clinics, the hospital serves all populations in Jerusalem.

Photo of the Mount Scopus campus from the 1930s showing the courtyard and domes
Hadassah Medical Organization Contact
Kiryat Hadassah
p.o.b 12000
91120 Jerusalem
telephone (02) 6777111
cables hadassah
fax. (02) 6434434
E-Mail: [email protected]
here to read about The Chagall Windows.