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Baka Neighborhood Jerusalem

Whatever is unavailable in Baka itself can be found on nearby Emek Refaim or in the Talpiot Industrial Zone, five minutes away by car. Everything about Baka speaks of diversity. The population ranges from ultra orthodox to the completely secular and displays all shades of the political spectrum. Public housing (for the past 20 years, Baka has been undergoing a gentrification process) exists near beautiful private houses with impressive gardens. There are also two- and three-family houses as well as apartments, with rarely any buildings above four floors. Besides schools of all sorts there are a multitude of synagogues for every taste as well as a mikveh.

Most street names in Baka are borrowed from the Hebrew Bible.
Baka neighborhood, Jerusalem
Baka neighborhood, Jerusalem
There are nurseries and kindergartens and a community center that has activities for groups ranging from pre-school through the elderly. In the community center there is a library where there are English story hours for children several times a week.
In short, Baka has its own special charm that blends with the unique Jerusalem experience.

Percentage of English-speakers: ~ 20%

Percentage of religious: 40%

Religious education: Efrat and Yehuda Halevi elementary schools, Steinsaltz�s elementary school (boys), Pelech Girls� High School, Hartman Boys� Junior High and High School, Re�ut High School (boys and girls).

Synagogues: Nitzanim, Pelech (young families), Ya�el, Yehuda Halevi, and Rambam; most synagogues have substantial Anglo populations.

Rabbi: Neighborhood Rav: Rav Abergil; Beit Knesset Nitzanim just hired a new young Rav.

Youth Groups: Bnei Akiva Baka (some kids walk to the center of town), Tzofim dati�im in Talpiot.

Health Services: Clalit, Meuchedet clinic & pharmacy
Demographically, the neighborhood is neither religious nor secular, and both types of people live side by side. Four main educational instituations operate in the neighborhood: Oranim, Efrata, Geulim A, and Pelekh. Likewise, there are several synagogues from different movements of Judaism, and several youth movements.
The neighborhood Matnas, located between Zevulun and Issakhar streets, is also the center of the "Greater Baka" district in municipal Jerusalem. The district also includes Talpiot to the south, Mekor Hayyim to the southwest, and Abu Tor to the east Bethlehem Road (Route 60) is the main commercial road, next to Emek Refaim Road in the German Colony.
In recent years in Baka a renovation project has tried to modernize the appearance of the old, abandoned blocks built in the 1950s, and to expand the living quarteers. The results of the project look nice especially on Rebecca Street, on Bethlehem Road, on Tzipporah Road, and on Gad Road.
Baka Jerusalem situated between the German Colony and Talpiot, in southern Jerusalem, the Baka/Geulim neighborhood is a ten minute bus ride from downtown Jerusalem, but is home to a host of shops and services; on Derech Bethlehem the main shopping street, there are greengrocers, grocery stores, dry cleaners, hair dressers, clothing stores, three take out shops and a bagel store that does dairy catering for large and small events.

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