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The Great Synagogue

of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

The Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center is the living, breathing, learning, teaching, praying and celebrating heart of Conservative Jewish life in Israel for North Americans. With its egalitarian yeshiva and synagogue, its residence halls, elegant dining halls, auditorium, theater, library and lecture halls, it's the place for Conservative Jews from all over to connect with themselves, each other, and Israel itself.
It's where we build the leaders of tomorrow.
Visit the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center. See and feel it for yourself

Leaders of the United Synagogue decided years ago to establish a Conservative/Masorti home in the heart of the Jewish State. Imbued with that vision, they founded The Center for Conservative Judaism in Jerusalem.

Today, Conservative Jews from all over the world visit the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center for study, guidance, fellowship and hospitality, and above all, to be exposed to the Jerusalem / Israel Experience.

The United Synagogue Fuchsberg Center, an Embassy for United Synagogue Israel Experience Programs, is dedicated to strengthening the connections between North American Conservative Jews and the People and State of Israel. This dedication is demonstrated through the Center�s presence in Jerusalem that serves as The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism�s Israel headquarters and base for:
� Programs for United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism congregational visits to Israel
� USY/Nativ and Koach/Center on Campus activities
� Visits of Solomon Schechter Day Schools
� The United Synagogue Conservative Yeshiva
� Project Oded Continuing Education and expanded outreach to individual � short-term and long-term � visitors to Israel and those who have made Aliyah from Conservative congregations
� Liaison with other Conservative/Masorti institutions
Jerusalem Synagogues

8 Agron Street, Jerusalem
Telephone (02) 625 - 6386, Fax (02) 623 - 4127
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 7456
Jerusalem, 94265
Fuchsberg Synagogue Jerusalem

Fuchsberg Synagogue Jerusalem

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Fuchsberg Synagogue

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