The Synagogue's name "Yeshurun" is taken from Deut. [33,5] which refers to the Kingship of Hashem, when the people are gathered in unity. The Yeshurun Central Synagogue became a Synagogue attended by Chief Rabbis, Presidents, Prime Ministers and the leaders of Israeli society.
The Yeshurun Synagogue is a center for tefillah and learning Torah. It holds regular daily services and shiurim. The Synagogue's world renowned Chazan Asher Hainowitz leads the services on Shabbatot and Chagim. Yeshurun was the first Synagogue to hold regular "Carlebach-style" Kabbalat Shabbat on Shabbat Mevarchim lead by the Chazan and the "Benevel Yeshurun" choir conducted by Binyamin Munk, filling the Synagogue to capacity.
Further Reading: Names of Jerusalem - New - Email to the Kotel
The Beit Medrash is attended daily by over 90 retirees. The Shiurim are of a high standard. Rav Mordechai Alon conducts a regular shiur on Sunday evening attended by approximately 750 people. For over 40 years, Rabbi Yaakov Katz has given a regular shiur between Mincha and Maariv. "Nafka Mina", a group for graduates, holds shiuriim four times a week on the Synagogue's premises. The Library, one of the most important of its kind in Jerusalem, is open to the public for research and as a lending library. The Charity Fund of the Yeshurun Organisation distributes money to Jerusalem's poor twice yearly for Pesach and Rosh Hashana. The Beit Medrash and Library, which in the past were partially funded by government grants, are now funded entirely by the Yeshurun Organisation, putting a great strain on its financial resources.

The Yeshurun Synagogue will be celebrating it�s 80th birthday later this year. The Synagogue was in urgent need of repair and refurbishment. The Board of Management felt , that the time had come to start a refurbishment program. The seats in the men�s section , which were in a bad state of repair,has been replaced by new seats which were made by Keshet in Kiryat Arba. The new seats are in blocks of 6 to allow easy access, the old seats were in blocks of 14. The severely damaged tiled floor, the worn out carpet on the Aron-Kodesh and Bima have been replaced. The wood of the Aron-kodesh and Bima have been restored to their original colour, which compliments the new seats.

Air conditioners have been fitted in the Simcha hall at the back of the Synagogue. The kitchen was refitted a year ago, the hall is now once again, ready to be used for private functions. The heating system needs to be replaced. A new heating system will not only be more effective but will also bring with it a tremendous saving in fuel.

Yeshurun Organisation Jerusalem

44 King George St.
P.O.B. 7018
Jerusalem 91071 Israel
Tel: 02-6243942
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Yeshurun Central Synagogue Jerusalem
The Yeshurun Central Synagogue Jerusalem was founded in 1923,services were held in temporary premises until the cornerstone of the distinctive building, in King George Street was laid in 1934. Construction of the building was completed in 1936. The Yeshurun Central Synagogue received the blessing and active support of the Chief Rabbi of Israel Rav Avraham Yitzchak Hacohen Kook, who presented the Synagogue with its first Sefer Torah.
Yeshurun Central Synagogue

Yeshurun Synagogue

Yeshurun Synagogue Jerusalem

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