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Arriving by Air
Tel Aviv's Ben-Gurion Airport (TLV) is the best option when traveling to Jerusalem.
Getting Around Jerusalem
A small train network offers one main route and is very economical. 'Sheruts', or share taxis, are a popular way to travel over the weekend, while rental cars are the easiest option for remote journeys.
Despite the excellence of the bus system, it doesn't deliver you from point-to-point and can't change its routes (too much) in order to avoid traffic jams. To get somewhere in a hurry, or to arrive at an address you haven't bothered looking for on the map, you can always take a taxi. The "always" here includes on Shabbat, when the buses are resting. Taxis are surprisingly inexpensive, and all are equipped with meters walk from anywhere to anywhere in central Jerusalem in less than an hour.
Bus from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem
There is a direct bus from Tel aviv's Central station to Jerusalem's central station - the number of the bus is 405 and it will cost you something like 20 nis for one side.
Jerusalem transportation has an extensive public bus service running from 5.30am till midnight, and most drivers speak English, but most bus services stop over Shabbat (from sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday).
Bus and coach services exist in Jerusalem, costing between five and ten ILS. Alternatively, car rental services are another option. Buses offer an economical form of transport and travel to all parts of the city. 'Egged', the state company, is one of the world's largest bus companies.
Nesher Taxis - 6257227
Har Homa Taxicabs - 6734333
Har Nofim Taxis Ltd. - 6511111
Hapalmach Taxis Ltd. - 6793333
Romema Taxis - 5385555
Gilo Jerusalem Taxis Ltd. - 6765888
Akiva Taxis - 5815123
Bar Ilan Taxis Navie - 5866666
Eisenbach Taxis - 5371144
Abada Taxis - 6286292
Jerusalem Transportation - Jerusline
News: As from today there's a new service in Jerusalem, a Real tourist bus (like in London) which calls Jerusline, a double decker Bus which has no roof on its second floor and which is going to make it easier for those who can't or don't feel like exploring the city by foot. The bus, Number 99, will be passing through 27 touristy / historical locations and the passengers will be able to get off the bus in each of those stations. During the ride you will be able to listen to an explenations with an earphone in one of 8 languages. The bus will have 5
a day from 9:00 - 17:00 and a ticket will cost 45shekels (aprx 10USD) for an adult and 36shekels for a kid. Jerusline | Jerusalem Trasportation
Jerusalem Taxi. Taxi Services in Jerusalem, Israel. Jerusalem taxi services listing.
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Jerusalem Transportation