Israel Goldstein Synagogue Jerusalem
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Category: Jerusalem Synagogues
Dr. Israel Goldstein awards the Stephen Wise award to President Yitzhak Ben Zvi at the World Jewish Congress held in 1956 at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem.

Israel Goldstein Synagogue

Israel Goldstien Synagogue Givat Ram campus, Hebrew University. Dr. Goldstein was one of 39 visitors who spent at least a week in Israel with United Synagogue’s Council of Regional Presidents. There is a marked difference between most places of worship and a new synagogue designed by Architect Rau and dedicated fortnight ago at Jerusalem's Hebrew University.
The temple exterior is a concrete hemisphere carried on eight squat arches. Within the arches is a platform supported on columns. This raised platform, standing free of the walls, is the temple floor. The whitewashed, hemispherical interior is bare of ornament, yet in a sense is adorned by light, which ripples up from below on all sides. There are no windows.
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Israel Goldstein Synagogue, Givat Ram Campus, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Designer. Rau, Heinz. Artist. Kantorowich, Daniel George. Country, Israel. This building and its library were built in 1957
Israel Goldstein Synagogue .(in the Edmond J. Safra Campus, Givat Ram Heinz Rau administrative buildings of the Jerusalem Campus

Israel Goldstein Synagogue Jerusalem

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