Rebuilt Hurva Synagogue
Hurva Synagogue
The ruins of the Hurva Synagogue are on the west side of Hurva Square in the Jewish Quarter. Very little remains of the synagogue except for a striking, slender arch. Erected in 1977, the arch is 13m high and spans what was the central hall. The ruins have been made safe for visitors to wander around and information boards help them imagine the great edifice that once stood here.
The historically important Ramban Synagogue is nearby on Hurva Square.

Quick Facts

Names:Hurva Synagogue; Churva Synagogue; Hurvah Synagogue; Ruins Synagogue

Type of site: Synagogue (Ashkenazi)

Dates:Started 1700; restarted 1836; completed 1856; destroyed 1948

Location:Hurva Square, Jewish Quarter, Old City, Jerusalem

Hours:Always open - "Churva" synagogue in the Old City Jerusalem
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The Great Synagogue
Category: Jerusalem Synagogues
The Hurva Synagogue, (Hebrew: Beit ha-Knesset ha-Hurba), located in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem, was Jerusalem's main Ashkenazi synagogue from the 16th until the 20th century, when it was reduced to rubble by Jordanian soldiers during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.
Immediately north of the Ramban Synagogue in Jerusalem are the remains of the Hurva Synagogue, founded by Rabbi Yehuda Hanassi, who came from Poland in 1701 with 500 Ashkenazis. The Jewish community in Jerusalem was now split in two, and the Ashkenazis built their own synagogue. After Rabbi Hanassi's death the synagogue fell into ruin (hurva = "ruin") and was rebuilt only in 1856. Thereafter, until its destruction in 1948, the synagogue again became the spiritual center of Jerusalem's Ashkenazi Jews. After 1967 there were various plans for rebuilding it, but it was never fully restored. It now consists only of a domed central structure and a reconstructed arch, a landmark and emblem of the whole quarter and a reminder of the Synagogue's former splendor.

Hurva Synagogue What to See

The Hurva Square Jerusalem
Photo marina

Hurva Synagogue Jerusalem

March 14, 2010
Opening of Hurva Synagogue - A reborn Hurva Synagogue will open to the public on Tuesday (March 15), after an extensive four-year construction project in the Old City of Jerusalem.
( The restoration and construction of the Hurva Synagogue in the Old City of Jerusalem nears completion, with the dedication of the synagogue scheduled for next Monday, March 15. The Company for the Reconstruction and Development of the Jewish Quarter has completed one of the artistic aspects of the project - restoration of the synagogue's wall paintings. Arutz Sheva TV brings you in to the synagogue for a first visit to the restored Hurva.

Rebuilt Hurva Synagogue

The Hurva Synagogue will be dedicated on the eve of Rosh Chodesh (first day of the Hebrew month) Nissan, 5770 (the day construction of the Biblical Tabernacle was completed), in the presence of ministers, Members of Knesset, rabbis and other dignitaries.
Rebuilt Hurva Synagogue Jerusalem
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