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Russian Orthodox Church Jerusalem
Jerusalem Churches
The Russian Orthodox Church on the Mount of olives in Jerusalem.
Church of Mary Magdalene
This Russian Orthodox church was built in honor of the czar's mother in 1888 and the mosaic inside depicts the legend of Mary Magdalene presenting an egg to the Emperor Tiberius. The egg allegedly turned red when she handed it to him, symbolic of Jesus' blood. 28 nuns from all over the world live in the convent here today.
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Easily spotted from the Temple Mount, the Russian church's seven golden domes have been newly gilded and sparkle in the sun. Combined with its multiple levels and sculpted white turrets, the church looks like something out of a fairytale.
The church is worth a close-up visit as well, for it stands in a tranquil garden and is filled with Orthodox icons and wall paintings inside.
Russian Orthodox Church
Golden domes of the Russian Church. Photo: moncay.
Church of Jerusalem
The early history of this church is related in the Book of Acts in the New Testament. It too has been plagued by Islam and crusaders. Though its missionary activity is circumscribed by its being surrounded by other Patriarchates, it does engage in missionary activity to the Jews in Israel and the Muslims in Palestine. The liturgy is served in Hebrew and in Arabic. This is also the only one of the Orthodox churches still serving the Liturgy of St. James, the oldest and longest liturgy of the Orthodox Church. (Only a small part of the liturgy was actually written by St. James.)
Exterior and icon-filled interior. Torie Partridge.

Russian Orthodox Church Jerusalem

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