Jerusalem Countdown
by best-selling author John Hagee anticipates Israel’s strategies toward any Iranian threat. Can anyone actually believe that the Islamic fanatics presently in charge of the Iranian government would not use nuclear weapons on Israel, America and the world? Shocking Information of the impending war. How an attack on Jerusalem will affect America? Hagee skillfully unveils the reasons Islam and Israel cannot dwell peaceably together as he paints a convincing picture explaining why Christians must support the Holy Land. This revised and updated edition addresses the recent conflict with Hezbollah, the roles of North Korea and Syria in the coming nuclear showdown, and the infiltration of Islamic terrorists on American soil.
For Christians, Jerusalem Countdown is a vault of information that ought to be read, if for no other reason than to better understand the fanaticism that exists in the Islamic world. Also, how certain European and Asian countries are in cahoots with the Iranian despots.
Read, weep and pray to God for salvation.

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