The chapel in which the exact crucifixion spot is located (where the Cross stood), is held by the Greek Orthodox Christian Church. Golgotha "Place of the skull" was located outside the second wall. The actual site of the Cross is still under discussion.
Golgotha Jerusalem outside city walls
In recent decades, archaeological excavations have revealed more facts about the Jerusalem of Jesus� day-including the route of the city walls at that time. As we have seen, the Bible requires that Golgotha lie outside those walls.
Golgotha Jerusalem also called Calvary Hill or Mount Calvary - Calvary Hill (Golgotha) is the English-language name given to the site, outside of Ancient Jerusalem�s early 1st century walls, of Jesus crucifixion. In some Christian and Jewish traditions, the name refers to the location of the skull of Adam. The word �Calvary� comes from "Calvariae" in the Latin Vulgate.
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Mount Calvary - Golgotha of is the biblical name for the place where Jesus was crucified. It was probably a small hill just outside the walls of ancient Jerusalem.
The word Calvary (Latin Calvaria) means "a skull". Calvaria and the Gr. Kranion are equivalents for the original Golgotha. The ingenious conjecture that Golgotha may be a contraction for Gol Goatha and may accordingly have signified "mount of execution", and been related to Goatha in Jer., xxxi, 39, has found scarcely any supporters. The diminutive monticulus (little mount) was coupled with the name A.D. 333 by the "Pilgrim of Bordeaux".
Towards the beginning of the fifth century Rufinus spoke of "the rock of Golgotha". Since the sixth century the usage has been to designate Calvary as a mountain. The Gospel styles it merely a "place", (Matthew 27:33; Mark 15:22; Luke 23:33; John 19:17).

Golgotha is the biblical name for the place where Jesus was crucified. Also called Calvary, it was probably a small hill just outside the walls of ancient Jerusalem. According to church tradition, it was within the area now occupied by The Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
No Jerusalem tour is complete without a tour this place. On this hill, tradition marks the spot where Christ's Cross stood when he was crucified.
Site of Golgotha Jerusalem, within the Church of the Holy Sepulchre
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Golgotha Jerusalem
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