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Check rates and availability at Addar Hotel in Jerusalem
Addar Hotel in Jerusalem
10 St. Georges Street 53 Nablus Road Jerusalem 97200

Air conditioning Hairdryer Internet access Private bathroom / Ensuite Television.

Conference facilities Internet access Lobby Lounge Parking facilities Reception Restaurant
Featuring all the conveniences, Addar Hotel is your home away from home when visiting the Jerusalem area.

The historic 19th century building was completely rebuilt as a boutique hotel situated right in the centre of Jerusalem.

All of the 30 guest rooms are tastefully furnished, comfortable and nicely equipped to give a feeling of being home while away from home.

The Addar Hotel has restaurants that offers a variety of local and international dishes. The Askidinya restaurant offers the best Italian and European cuisine while the Philadelphia restaurant offers the best local cuisine.

The hotel provides meeting rooms for guests on business trips to host their conferences and seminars.

Addar Hotel Jerusalem, Israel
Addar Hotel Jerusalem, Israel
Check rates and availability at Addar Hotel in Jerusalem

Addar Hotel Jerusalem

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The Illustrated Torah - Chumash (Five Books of Moses)
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