Landmarks buildings in Rehavia include headquarters of the Jewish Agency for Israel, the Gymnasia Ha'ivrit high school, the windmill on Ramban Street, the Terra Sancta building on the corner of Paris Square, the Prime Minister's Residence, the Jerusalem YMCA, the King David Hotel, the Ratisbonne Monastery and the U.S. Consulate-General on Agron Street. In the center of historic Rehavia is Yad Ben-Zvi, a research institute established by President Yitzhak Ben-Zvi. Jason's Tomb was discovered during construction work on Alfasi Street.
Rechavia Neighborhood of Jerusalem
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Rehavia (also Rechavia) is an upscale Jerusalem neighborhood bordered by Nahlaot to the north, Talbiya and Katamon to the south, Shaarei Chesed to the west, and the Old City to the east.
Rehavia was established in the late 1920s on real estate previously owned by the Greek Orthodox Church purchased by the Israel Land Development Company in 1922.
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In the Rehavia district, there are many shopping conveniences in this living-neighborhood such as a bakery, coffee shop, drug store, delicatessens, grocery markets as well as other quaint boutiques and shops.
The History of Rechavia
Rechavia was founded in the 1920�s, on land purchased by the Israel Land Development Company from the Greek Orthodox Church. The German Jewish architect, Richard Kaufman, was commissioned to design Rechavia as a �garden neighborhood.� Since then, commercial enterprises are limited in this area, to preserve its tranquil atmosphere.
Many European intellectuals and professors chose to live in Rechavia in the early 20th century, as did various leaders and politicians.
In keeping with the intellectual character of the neighborhood, most streets of Rechavia are named for Jewish scholars and poets from the Golden Age of Jewish culture in Spain, such as Maimonides, Abarbanel, and Nachmanides.
Life in Rechavia
Though Rechavia borders on the whirring traffic of the city center, there are many streets that are a quiet retreat from the noise. Greenery is lush in the building courtyards and twines around walls and fences. The shops that line the streets are small and intimate, and sell specialized items: gourmet chocolate, French pastries, art-inspired gifts.